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How do I add candidates sending CV via email?

Adding a candidate from "From e-mail" tab

Adrian Wolak TRAFFIT avatar
Written by Adrian Wolak TRAFFIT
Updated over 2 years ago

To import candidates from your mailbox, you need first to integrate it with Traffit. A new candidate is only created for a sender who has attached a resume that includes data administration consent (in any form). If the resume attached to an email message lacks data administration consent (in any form), you can still add the candidate manually in Mail module.

Open Traffit, go to Candidates and click From mail at the top of the screen. A list of potential candidates that you have contacted in the past will be displayed, with an option of adding them to the database:

If necessary, you can edit any of the fields before saving the candidate by clicking on it and making an edit. To preview the resume attached to the email, click the file icon in the CV column.

You can add potential candidates from your mailbox both one-by-one or in groups (all candidates or only the selected ones). They will appear on the candidate list where you will be able to assign them to a particular recruitment or simply keep their data for future recruitments.

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