When you browse candidate listings (both in your candidate database and candidates assigned to specific jobs) you have multiple options to filter them.
What types of filters can I find on candidates' listing?
There are two types of filters:
System filters: The'yre permanent - always available and visible at the beginning of the list. There are 7 system filters.
Custom filters: They reflect the fields you have added to your candidate profile. Every new field you add in the configuration becomes a filter. You can have as many custom filters as you want.
System filters
These are the filters that will always be opening the list:
Every time you browse the lists and candidates' profiles, you can assign a heart icon to your favorite candidates. This filter allows you to find them.
This filter allows you to exclude candidates who are already active in any of your open jobs:
This one helps you to find candidates:
without a CV,
with a CV.
With the second option, you can decide to list only candidates who have provided a CV:
It's a multi-select field where you can check out the list of candidates assigned to specific jobs. You can filter candidates:
assigned to a job or jobs
never in a job or jobs
not assigned to any job at the moment
Example scenarios for Jobs filter |
Show me candidates:
A multi-select field with a list of jobs in your system.
You can narrow the list of jobs with these two fields:
A multi-select field with a list of your Clients (available if you are using a CRM module).
Job status
Where you can choose you want to consider all, only open or only closed jobs.
If you leave the Job field empty - all jobs are considered. If many jobs are selected - OR is placed between them.
This one allows you to filter candidates who have reached certain stages in your jobs and were moved in the process by specific users in a certain time range.
Example scenarios for Stages filter |
Show me candidates who:
It consists of a few elements:
Current stage switch - defines if you want to consider the current candidate's stage or historical ones (excluding the current one),
Stage type - a multi-select field displaying all stage types from the dictionary (listed by stage type ID),
Stage - a multi-select field narrowed down by the Stage type field. Displays all the stages from all the workflows. All the stages visible on the dropdown list are grouped by workflow names.
πΌ In both cases if the field is left empty - all are considered. If many are selected - OR is placed between them.
Client - a multi-select field with a list of active clients from your CRM,
Job - a multi-select field displaying jobs narrowed down by Client field.
πΌ In both cases if the field is left empty - all are considered. If many are selected - OR is placed between them.
Moved by user - a multi-select field displaying all active and inactive users (marked with a green or red dot). If the field is left empty - all are considered. If many users are selected - OR is placed between them.
Moved to stage after (&before) - Date field defining the time frame of the stage transitions.
What is more, if you decide to filter only candidates from the Rejection stage, an additional field will appear:
Rejection reason - it's a multi-select field narrowed down to the list of rejection reasons in the chosen job or jobs.
This filter allows you to list candidates with:
all of the selected activities,
any of the selected activities,
none of the selected activities.
Example scenarios for Activities filter |
Show me candidates:
It includes a few fields for more precise filtering:
Activity type - Field displaying the values from the Employee activity type dictionary (available as a dropdown list when adding a new activity on the candidate profile). If left empty - all types of activities are considered. If many activity types are selected - AND is placed between them.
Creation date from (& to) - with the activity creation time range.
Created by - a multi-select field displaying all the users and Hiring managers in your system. If left empty - all users and Hiring Managers are considered. If many are selected - we look for all activities with a certain type created by selected users (there is always just 1 creator of the activity).
Allowing you to filter your candidates' list according to the GDPR consents you put on the application forms and assign to candidates added manually.
Example scenarios for Consents filter |
Show me candidates:
Find candidates with:
active consents,
expiring consents,
without specific consent,
without any consent.
Consent type is a multi-choice field. If left empty - all consent types are considered If many consent types are selected - OR is placed between them.
This filter considers only consents active on a specific date - that's why particular job consents and legal obligations are excluded from the dropdown list on the Consent type field (as they have no expiration date).
Communication channel allows filtering the list according to the candidate's preferred communication method for specific consent. Three values are available:
The last one is the date field. Its usage depends on the option chosen at the top of the filter:
For active consents you will see Active on date option:
For expiring consents you will see Expiring before option:
The date field is not available if you choose Without specific consent or Without any consent in this filter.
Custom filters
You can have as many custom filters as you want. Those can be:
text fields,
number fields,
checkboxes (yes/no),
... and more
How to add them to the list? β¬β¬β¬
How to add more custom filters?
The list of custom filters reflects the fields you have added to your candidate profile. Every new field you add in the configuration becomes a filter.
Read here how to customize the candidate profile.
How can I save my favorite filters?
After applying the filters you want, just use the Save query button available in the upper right corner:
To use a saved query, simply use the three dots icon available in the upper right corner and use the Use saved query option.
All your saved queries are stored in that tab:
How to change the order of available filters?
You can change the order of custom filters however you want. To do that, just click on More filters in the upper right corner.
You can assign π to your favorite filters or drag'n'drop them to change their position on the list:
Remember to Save changes!