To start the data import, prepare the CSV file according to the guidelines described here. Then log in to your system and go to one of the three tabs where you can do it and follow the steps:
Import types
Click on one of the three tiles depending on whether you want to import new candidates into the system, update existing data, or add new and update existing ones with one file.
CSV file import
After clicking on the tile, a box will appear below it allowing you to drop the file or select a file from your computer's disk. Add a CSV file here:
After loading the file, its name will appear in this field, and under the name you will find the "Load file" button. Click on this button to start the import.
CSV file verification
The file you upload will appear in the table below with a proper status. The status "Verified" means that the file has been checked and is valid and the import can be done. Click on the blue "Continue" button next to the status:
You can find more information about the statuses of imported data here.
Matching columns with fields
The next step is to assign columns from the CSV file to the correct fields on the candidate profile. For each field from the file, we show you its header and 3 sample values so that you can correctly connect the field from the file with the field on the profile. Click on "Choose field" to select the field from the candidate profile where the values are to be placed:
The fields "First Name" and "Last Name" from the CSV file must be assigned to the correct field on the candidate's profile. For the other fields you can assign an equivalent, or click "Ignore" to skip the field in import:
Clicking "Ignore" can be undone by clicking the "Undo" button. In order for you to continue the import process, all columns must be either assigned or ignored. With a large number of fields in the file, you can ignore unassigned columns collectively by clicking the "Ignore unassigned columns" button at the bottom of the page. Click "Next" to go to the next step.
Additional settings
In the next step you can:
assign candidates to recruitment
select the application source that will appear next to it
select the consent or consents to be included on the candidate's profile
select the date on which the imported candidates agreed to the consent
After selecting the options you are interested in, click "Next".
Data import
You will see a Summary that will allow you to finally check whether the import has been prepared according to the initial assumptions. You can click "Back" if you want to change something.
If everything is correct - click on the "Start data import" button. In the Import History section, you'll see that the import is in progress:
After the import is completed, the status will change to "Done", you will also receive a notification in the system that the data has been successfully imported.
In the "Error report" column there will be a ready-to-download file that will contain a list of records that could not be imported with the reason: