Check out how it works:
Job based automation is an automation created and assigned only to a particular job.
If the chosen receiver already has a workflow based automation created for this particular stage of the process, the job based automation has the priority - meaning that in this case only the emails from job based automation will be sent.
The workflow based automation will still be visible on the list of automations next to the stage, but inactive (in grey).
You can create a job based email automation in the details of a job, by clicking on the email automation icon visible on the chosen stage name:
When creating a new job based you have to:
choose the email receiver:
C stands for candidate
U stands for user
HM stands for Hiring Manager
choose the mailbox emails will be sent from
email template used by this automation
This automation will be visible after clicking on the automation icon on the stage. You will see both job based and workflow based automations for this stage there. You will be able to edit and remove the job based automation from this view:
You need to have a permission given to you by the Administrator of your TRAFFIT to be able to manage email automations.