The application flow report was designed for you to be able to check the performance of your hiring workflow and analyze application handling. It also allows you to monitor the particular stages KPI’s, but also the efficiency of your recruiting team.
1) To monitor, how smoothly the applications were processed
2) When your stakeholders are interested in the recruitment KPI’s
3) To check your crucial recruitment metrics - like Time to Hire, Time to Offer, Time to Reject and Offer acceptance rate
Use the filters available in the upper right corner to choose the parameters of your report.
You can filter by:
Application type (candidates that applied for jobs vs those who were assigned from the talent pool)
Client (if you are using the CRM module)
Job status
Responsible user
Responsible user group
The number of the analyzed unique applications and jobs will be presented at the top of the report:
When browsing this report you can view the data presented in the first section as a chart or as a table:
New stage KPI's
Great summary of the first stage of your processes:
What was the most common rejection reason for new applications?
What was the average time on New stage?
How many new applications did you receive in the chosen time period?
Time to Offer
The time between candidate appearing in the job and reaching the Offer stage.
Enriched with the number of candidates offered, offer acceptance rate, average time for successful offer and most common rejection reason for candidates that received an offer.
Time to Hire
The time between the candidate appearing in the job and reaching the Hired stage.
Enriched with the number of hired candidates, top application source and top hiring user.
Time to Reject
The time between the candidate appearing in the job and reaching the Rejection stage.
Enriched with the number of rejected candidates and most common rejection reasons and stages.
Applications funnel
Check the number of candidates that reached a specific stage of your workflow in the chosen date range.
Application flow summary
Check the performance of particular stages of your workflow.
the number of candidates in particular stages,
conversion from stage New (percentage of candidates who reached a given stage from stage New),
time to reach stage - how long did it take for the candidates to reach the stage since they appeared in the job,
time on stage - average time your candidates spent on the stage before reaching the next one,
time limit for stage - average time limit based on the number of transitions.
Applications by jobs
Find out which of your jobs were most in demand among your candidates.
Stage types vs rejection reasons
Get familiar with the rejection reasons of the applicants rejected on particular stages of your workflow. Recognize the bottleneck of your processes.
1) If you see undefined on the list of stage types, that means that not all the stages in your workflow were assigned to stage types. Find out HERE how to do it.
2) To make this report even more valuable, create a list of rejection reasons and make choosing them obligatory when rejecting a candidate.